Amateur Radio Operators can click to
KJ4AYT QRZ page (type KJ4AYT in search box) or to ALE page (HF Link for Automatic Link Establishment) activity around the world.

We have specialized expertise in portable or palletized communications systems that carry the full spectrum of radio equipment and are self powered. This expertise encompasses the concept, design, testing, manufacturing and deployment of electronics systems. White Wolf Systems has the capability to install these systems at any venue including remote locations anywhere, anytime completed to a finished and operational site. Our extensive background has been found to be invaluable in the success of remote location installations. White Wolf Systems personnel have currently performed work in Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, the Aleutian chain of islands, Indonesia, Malaysia, South and Central America to name a few and including the continental United States. Our employees have a personal stake in the company, many of the designs and products were developed through their efforts to keep costs down for the consumer. This Employee approach and extensive electronics expertise ensures that White Wolf Systems will always go the extra mile, work the extra hours, and develop a higher level of customer awareness and support to achieve and ensure a high level of success. We are strategically teamed with several companies to provide an even higher level of capablility.

We Support Shriner's Childrens Hospital

White Wolf Systems LLC
Welcome to White Wolf Systems Military Antennas and Products
White Wolf Systems is a woman owned and veteran staffed small business with highly skilled prior military and corporate electronics personnel experienced in the areas of Land, Maritime, Aviation electronics systems, Solar and Wind systems, Rugged Camera systems and installations of electronics systems and antenna’s. We are especially proud of our Antenna installations all over the world and are the best available for building
or roof installations. Our specific areas of expertise are in Communications, Navigation, Radar and the full spectrum of Antenna systems.
Thank you for visiting our site, we hope that you will enjoy perusing the many capabilities of White Wolf Systems.
Anywhere, Anytime
Maryellen Stephens
Owner, White Wolf Systems
I Am Wolf
Quietly I endure
Silently I suffer
Patiently I wait
I am Warrior
I Will Survive ................
Copyright 2009-2010 White Wolf Systems -- All rights reserved.